The Summary of iTELL Conference 2018 “CALL & MALL to Enhance Thinking Process”

A.   Keynote Speaker

Dr. Gumawang Jati (TELL: From Resources to Thinking Skill)
      On the first day, Dr. Gumawang Jati, as the president of iTELL, opened the conference by firstly introducing the background of iTELL. Then he proceeded with an interesting presentation titled TELL: From Resources to Thinking Skills. He said that current learning should be integrated with technology. The technology was not only able to provide students with the content of subject matter, but also provided an interesting experience during the learning process. Also, another advantage of using technology usually gave an instant response so that it could motivate students to get a better understanding as well as achievement.  
      In his presentation, he explained enthusiastically about some online learning-tools that provided and created interactive learning such as,,, etc. Moreover, he talked about how to build students’ critical thinking through using online learning tools such as,,, etc. 
      As a conclusion of his presentation, he motivated all participant to remember that as language teachers we should always give a chance to students to think and learn the target language as well as sharpen their critical thinking.

B.     Plenary Speakers

(1) Dr. Nur Arifah Drajati (The concept and Practice to Build Multimodal Literacy for 21st Century Learning)
      As the first plenary speaker, Dr. Nur Arifah Drajati presented about the concept of learning namely TPACK. This concept combined technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. She mentioned that there was still few of research related to TPACK in Indonesia. According to her, engaging learning with technology will provide new knowledge to students. Furthermore, she explained TPACK's theory pioneered by Shulman (2009) who stated that there was three knowledge that must be mastered by the teacher that is pedagogical content knowledge, subject matter content, and curricular knowledge.
      In the middle of her presentation, she explained in detail about the concept of content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge for teachers. The content knowledge included on how instructional strategy, teaching methods, and instructional strategies applied in the classroom, Project Based Learning, and think-pair-share. Meanwhile, pedagogical knowledge combined how to use the technology tools and select-use-integrate into the curriculum. The last, technological knowledge involved knowledge on using technology to teach, to represent, and to facilitate knowledge.
      At the end of her presentation, she showed some photos about the implementation of technology in the learning process which is included active learning, authentic learning, reflective learning, and collaborative learning. Also, she explained about multimodal literacy which was about using a variety of resources to acquire and construct knowledge.

(2) Riezky Novyana (Cyber Bullying and Child Protection)
      The existence of technology in human life not only brought such a good impact, but also bad impact. In this session, Riezky Novyana, from British Council Indonesia, exposed the negative impact of the internet that mostly internet' users have not been aware. He explained that the internet was divided into two systems; Clearnet and Darknet. Clearnet was accessible to all internet users. In contrast, Darknet was not. This was where the dangers of the internet arise. He added, in the internet system there was also a system named as a digital footprint. This system allowed a digital data (photos, videos, text messages, etc) to be easily searched with or without permission. 
      The children, who have accessed the Internet, were easily faced a social media crime. Unstable emotional cause bad people manipulate their mind and did such a bullying and even a crime. In this case, Riezky gave an example video of a girl who suffered cyber-crime and bullying that causes her depression and commit suicide. 
      Parents and teachers should always protect their children from the danger of cyber-crime. It can be done by giving them the understanding to keep their privacy or in an easy way to not always upload their personal stuff on social media. Besides, continuing to educate how to use the social media wisely will also affect to their well-attitude in using technology. 

C.         Parallel Speakers

(1) Eny Kusumawati (The effect of watching English movies with subtitles on ESP students’ content and vocabulary comprehension: A study conducted at an Indonesia polytechnic engineering)
      The speaker explained that ESP teaching required a specific method so that students did not feel bored. In the study, the speaker used the movie to make the class more attractive because the movie integrated four skills such as listening, speaking, pronunciation, and vocabulary. She used movies with subtitle and movie without subtitle to examine whether there was a significant influence on ESP reading comprehension, vocabulary enhancement, and comprehension of the movie or not
      The subject of the study was 56 students of Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, in the fifth semester with intermediate English proficiency level. Quasi-experimental research, divided the students into 2 groups, was applied in this study. In analyzing the data, she used quiz that was given at the end of the post-test session and used questionnaires. 
      After analyzing the result, at the end of the treatment, she concluded that the main score of the A group, the group with the movie subtitles was higher than the group B, the group without movie subtitles. Then in her presentation, she concluded that teaching reading using movie was a good media in improving students’ vocabulary, but unfortunately, it did not increase their comprehension significantly.

(2) Paulus Widiatmoko (EFL Teacher Cognition on ICT: Relevance for Training and Professional Development)
      The development of technology was growing rapidly, from conventional connectivity to cloud service and cloud computing. Therefore, it needed some fundamental digital skills for 21st-century teachers to be able to create interactive media in learning. This presentation was the result of small research on a training and workshop held in the English Education Department of UKDW Yogyakarta. The speakers explained that perception or teacher belief about ICT will be central to its integration with technology. In addition, teacher belief will effect on using ICT in the classroom
      Based on the research in his training and workshop, he stated that many teachers still faced technical difficulties in using technology. Also, they have negative assumption and belief about using technology (computer) in the classroom. After implementing this training and workshop, he concluded that teacher's perception and belief on technology were gradually changed. they began to have a positive attitude and had a new knowledge about various technologies that can be applied in the learning process.

(3) Ayu Astriani (Integrating Video Blog (Vlog) in EFL Class for Teaching Speaking)
     Optimizing social media as a learning resource was becoming popular for today's internet users. Learning English through web video blog can be one of alternative resource for students to improve their English skills. Ayu Astriani said that students still experienced difficulties in improving their English speaking skill, for example, they are afraid of misspelling, mispronouncing, etc. In her presentation, the speaker applied small research by using video blog (Vlog) to teach speaking skills especially in teaching procedural text on video. 
      In her research, she applied the qualitative approach in the form of deep interview and questionnaire and used a quantitative approach to present the data. The subject of her research was the student in MTS Madani Kendari. 
     The result of the research was using Vlog in learning English can increase students ‘speaking skills. At the end of the presentation, she suggested for the further researcher, who interested in using Vlog, to concern on students' behavior, motivation, and self-anxiety among male and female students towards learning with a video blog. 

(4) Itje Chodidjah (Tape Me and I Learn More)
      In this session, the speaker attracted many participants. She explained enthusiastically that her study was actually motivated by several reasons; many students felt unsatisfied with time allocated for public speaking. On the other hand, many students had low motivation and meek behavior problems. The purpose of her study was to develop students' awareness, maximize their learning by their own ways. Moreover, it led the students to find out their own competence, digital literacy, and critical thinking as well as encourage them that technology can help them in class. 
      In her study, the students must first determine the priority of competence they wanted to achieve and then determine the most effective learning resource. The entire learning process was recorded. The students were asked to record the process of discussion in the classroom so that it can be well-analyzed.
      The results of her study explained some important things. First, the students can control their body language well. Second, the students can eliminate their shyness and control time when they were talking. And the last, the students can correct their language mistakes, train their mental, correct their own progress and be much more confident.
      At the end of her presentation, she gave an advice for the teacher in order to pay more attention to the skill level of students and giving a beautiful statement "technology is human innovation, but learning is human nature".

(5) Eva Nurmayasari and Evi Nurisra Aprilia Sari (Youtube as English Language Medium Exposure to a Ten Years Old Girls) 
      Youtube was one of the most visited sites besides Google. Youtube provided various kind of videos that can be accessed not only by the adult, but also by children. Also, Youtube provided a lot of content for language learning. In this research, the speakers presented the result of their small research on a child aged ten years. Their research was trying to explain how was English language acquisition in a child who used to access English content video on Youtube. 
       In this research, speakers worked qualitative method. The subject of the research was a 10-year-old girl named Syahedah. The speakers did an observation for one month, tracking history of her watching video, interviewing her parents, and gathering document related to her English achievement at school. The results showed that her habitual for accessing Youtube video affected significantly against her English proficiency as well as achievement. It is showed by a very good English score on her school achievement report. 
       At the end of the presentation, the speakers appealed to parents and teachers to keep an eye on the children while accessing video content on Youtube and provide the ideal time for accessing it.

D.     Workshops

(1) Daniel Ari Widhiatama (The Impactful Feedback: Exploring the use of Kaizena for developing students’ writing skill) 
      In the workshop session on the first day, the speaker talked about Kaizena. It provided written and audio feedback on student writing and peers feedback to each other. So far, written feedback felt not enough to motivate students in writing. On the other hand, assessing student writing often took a long time. Therefore, the speaker tried to provide a new alternative in the form of online written audio feedback. 
      In his research, speakers explained how to use Kaizena in learning writing. The first step was by visiting Google drives, installing Kaizena, and giving feedback. Although this research has not been fully completed, the introduction of new technology which provided audio feedback to students was worth enough to give new knowledge to the workshop participants.

(2) Made Hery Santosa, Ph.D. (Virtual Reality:  Enhancing Thinking Skills of Gen Z in the Age of Digital Distraction) 
      The second-day workshop was well-delivered by Made Hery Santosa, Ph.D. Before focusing on the topic of his presentation, he discussed many things about the Generation Z in detail (characteristics, interests, and attention). Besides, he delivered about the dynamic of learning, ICT, and connecting learners in the age of digital distraction. He also explained about Connectivism Learning theory and TPACK. According to him, the use of technology must be integrated with the TPACK framework. 
      Then, he continued explaining about VR technology (Virtual Reality) which is a computer interface to interact in real time. This technology can also be applied in teaching. He stated that VR technology provided new forms and methods of visualization. Besides, it could motivate students and gave new experiences in a broad time period. He stated that VR technology could attract the generation Z in teaching learning process because one of the characteristics of generation Z was a visual learner. 
      In the end of his presentation, he introduced several applications to make VR such as InstaVR, Within, Google Spotlight Stories, Sites in VR, Nearpod, Cardboard Camera, and Thinglink. Also, he gave a quotation "No app can compare to a great teacher and an engaging lesson”.


      Joining iTELL Conference 2018 was such a GREAT experience. It has opened my sight, brought many newest technologies that can be engaged in language teaching. The most important thing was the knowledge about integrating technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge.


Created by:
Muhammad Ansori


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